The book "Longing and Christmas Trees"
Dovilė Zavedskaitė's "Longing and Christmas Trees" is a postcard book in which everyone misses everyone and writes to each other out of longing. Here, everyone has a body and a voice, so objects openly talk to phenomena, forests to deer, people to cities and horizons. In the book, the deepest human experiences gradually flow into the background of absurdity and nonsense, into the landscape of philosophizing turtles and light bulbs. An authentic narrative is told by pictures that flirt with the texts, ironize them, or vice versa - convey feelings for which there are no suitable words to express. "Longing and Christmas Trees" is about day after day when we simply try to talk to each other.
This book will appeal to anyone looking for deeper texts that allow you to sink into them, to be there, to live in. This is not just any book, these are stories that you can simply read and laugh at, or look a little closer and discover a few more hidden between the lines.
Creation process:
Cover tests:
Viewing all drawings in the library on the stairs:
Unpacking scented books during delivery:

AWARD from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania in the competition "The Most Beautiful Books of the Year 2021": for the elegant relationship between text elements, the slow unfolding of meanings, the unity of illustrations, brightness, space, moderation and silence, born from the conversation of book elements - page by page - in the book "Longing and Christmas Trees".